Saturday, September 6, 2008

Local Stoner Demands Something.

New Bethesda, Washington. Unemployed local wastrel Burt Crackleton recently made demands upon his beleagured roomate, Hutch Stichins. "At first I thought he just wanted me to pick him up a soda or something," stated Stichins who was en route to the local Plaid Pantry when he saw Crackleton gesticulate wildly in his direction. "Dude, no, dude, please," Crackleton was heard to say, while pointing with both hands toward the door. Crackleton had recently injested marijuana vapors for his fourth time that day, as he has daily since being laid off from the local Donut Hole last summer. "So I start like, what?" Stichins reported, "and he's like, 'No, dude, just do it- please.' When I asked him what he wanted he just started laughing and saying, 'No dude, you know what I want- you KNOW!" The impasse was ended when Stitchins left via the front door as a clearly upset Crackleton berated him with calls of, "Dude! Dude!" Local Plaid Pantry manager Hasim Qborak summed up the argument with a proverb in his native Khzyhkstani language which translates roughly to, "Fuck it."

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